
Learn more about our departments

General Medicine

Our General Medicine Department at Reem Hospital looks after the diagnosis, treatment and management of adult diseases. The department includes general practitioners who are experts in identifying the various risk factors for serious diseases and detecting them at an early stage. The department works at multiple levels and includes screening, detection and management tools with an appropriate referral and feedback system.

We continue to lead the way in improving the lives of our patients by providing state-of-the-art surgical and non-surgical care with state-of-the-art equipment and laboratories that help detect disease in the early stages. Our approach to treatment is always based on education and research and our team of expert physicians looks forward to always providing you with the best possible care.

Provide general and preventive medicines to adults of all ages. Manages physical conditions like asthma, arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and heart disease. General medicine also concentrates on providing preventive care such as immunizations, health counselling and sports physicals.

  1. anorexia (R63.0) weight loss (R63.4)
  2. cachexia (R64)
  3. chills and shivering.
  4. convulsions (R56)
  5. deformity.
  6. discharge.
  7. dizziness / Vertigo (R42)
  8. fatigue (R53) malaise. asthenia.

General Medicine deals with almost all range of both acute and chronic diseases including fever, asthma, heart disease, liver problems, hypertension, neurological problems, and other ailments.

“the recognition of a disease or condition by its outward signs and symptoms

“the analysis of the underlying physiological/biochemical cause(s) of a disease or condition”